The concept of corporate social responsibility implies that the company takes additional measures to improve the quality of life of its employees and their families, as well as the local community and society as a whole, not only within the framework of the legal norm, but also on a voluntary basis.

In the realm of social responsibility programs, the Baltic Forest Company pays special attention to charity, as well as environmental initiatives.
The concept of corporate social responsibility implies that the company takes additional measures to improve the quality of life of its employees and their families, as well as the local community and society as a whole, not only within the framework of the legal norm, but also on a voluntary basis.

In the realm of social responsibility programs, the Baltic Forest Company pays special attention to charity, as well as environmental initiatives.


In 2018, the Baltic Forest Company, in tandem with the regional organization «‎Prirodnoe naslediye»‎ , opened the ecological path "Deer lake", which has become a popular environmental route for locals and guests of the region.

Also, since 2017, the Company annually holds FSC-Fridays in schools in the region, enlightening the young citizens about the importance of a responsible approach to the forest management.


In 2018, the Baltic Forest Company, in tandem with the regional organization «‎Prirodnoe naslediye»‎ , opened the ecological path "Deer lake", which has become a popular environmental route for locals and guests of the region.

Also, since 2017, the Company annually holds FSC-Fridays in schools in the region, enlightening the young citizens about the importance of a responsible approach to the forest management.
In 2018, the Baltic Forest Company, in tandem with the regional organization «‎Prirodnoe naslediye»‎ , opened the ecological path "Deer lake", which has become a popular environmental route for locals and guests of the region.

Also, since 2017, the Company annually holds FSC-Fridays in schools in the region, enlightening the young citizens about the importance of a responsible approach to the forest management.

Baltic Forest Company is an active sponsor of various international tournaments and festivals

Baltic Forest Company is an active sponsor of various international tournaments and festivals

Baltic Forest Company is an active sponsor of various international tournaments and festivals


Международный музыкальный фестиваль «Калининград Сити Джаз».
International music festival Kaliningrad City Jazz
Международный кинофестиваль «Край света. Запад».
International film festival On The Edge.West


XXIII Международный турнир по боксу «Янтарные перчатки».
International boxing tournament Amber Gloves XXIII
Турнир по вольной борьбе «Кубок» Алексея Шемарова.
International free-style wrestling tournament Alexey Shemarov Cup


Укшуй – международный фестиваль исторических боевых искусств в Правдинске.
International festival of historical martial arts in Pravdinsk "Ushkui"
Международный военно-исторический фестиваль «Гумбинненское сражение».
International military history festival "The Battle of Gumbinnen"

conscientiousness and legality — are the basis of the mission of the Baltic Forest Company

Taking responsibility for the environment, employees and society is an integral part of our business philosophy.
conscientiousness and legality — are the basis of the mission of the Baltic Forest Company
Taking responsibility for the environment, employees and society is an integral part of our business philosophy.

conscientiousness and legality — are the basis of the mission of the Baltic Forest Company

Taking responsibility for the environment, employees and society is an integral part of our business philosophy.
Taking responsibility for the environment, employees and society is an integral part of our business philosophy.
Baltic Forest Company positions itself as a responsible and scrupulous employer. The Company requires motivated and competent employees to achieve progress, innovation and unsurpassed quality.

In the context of demographic changes and the growing shortage of qualified workers, decent conditions and equal opportunities advocated in the enterprise will prove to be key competitive advantages.
Baltic Forest Company positions itself as a responsible and scrupulous employer. The Company requires motivated and competent employees to achieve progress, innovation and unsurpassed quality.

In the context of demographic changes and the growing shortage of qualified workers, decent conditions and equal opportunities advocated in the enterprise will prove to be key competitive advantages.
Baltic Forest Company positions itself as a responsible and scrupulous employer. The Company requires motivated and competent employees to achieve progress, innovation and unsurpassed quality.

In the context of demographic changes and the growing shortage of qualified workers, decent conditions and equal opportunities advocated in the enterprise will prove to be key competitive advantages.
We understand that growth and development are possible only in a favorable and comfortable environment.
The Company's philosophy is respect for the needs and motivations of clients, partners, employees, local communities, and fruitful interaction with them on a long-term horizon.
We understand that growth and development are possible only in a favorable and comfortable environment.
The Company's philosophy is respect for the needs and motivations of clients, partners, employees, local communities, and fruitful interaction with them on a long-term horizon.
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+7 (4012) 526 777

Kaliningrad region, Gurievsk district,
Novaya street 5, office 10